Department of Pediatrics

Three teaching hospitals, Bapuji Child Health Institute and Research centre, Chigateri General Hospital & Women & Children’s Hospital are affliated to department of Pediatrics J.J.M.Medical College, Davangere. The Department is well supported by various sub specialities – Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology and Pediatric Surgery. The department of Neonatology has state of art facilities and offers level III Neonatology services. The department has the credit of producing more than 750 Pediatrcians and some of them have become great teachers who are excelling in their duties across the country and world. The department offers high quality teaching and academic activities to the undergraduates and postgraduates.

Facilities in Department of Pediatrics
46 Beded Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU):
21 Bedded Paediatric intensive care unit (PICU):
Watch our video - Pediatrics's HoD Speaks
Meet our Teaching Staff
University Rank Holders: Post Graduates Students
Name | Passed | Rankc Position |
Dr.Smilee Johncy.S. | 2006 | 1st Rank |
Dr.Ravikiran Kisan | 2008 | 2nd Rank |
Dr.Smriti Shetty.C | 2010 | 2nd Rank |
Dr.Afreen Itagi | 2014 | 1st Rank |
Dr.Suhas.S.H. | 2014 | 4th Rank |
Dr.Ashwathy.V.T | 2015 | 9th Rank |
Dr.Komal Mankar | 2017 | 3rd Rank |
Dr.Manjushree.S | 2018 | 4th Rank |
University Rank Holders: Post Graduates Students
Title | Student Name | Guide |
Bacteriological study of surgical site infections in a etertiary care hospital, Davanagere, Karnataka | Anusha S H | Dr.Hanumanthappa.A.R |
Detection of Betalactamases among gram negative bacteria causing surgical site infections in a tertiary care Hospital, Davanagere, Karnataka | Anusha S H | Dr.Hanumanthappa.A.R |
Clinical Relevance and public health significance of circulating Hepatitis B virus Genotypes | Shreya M Nagamoti | Dr.Hanumanthappa.A.R |
Prevalence of Extended spectrum Betalactamase production among gram negative bacilli isolatedS in burns wound | K S Deepikaa | Dr.RajendraPrasad.B.P.M |
Bacteriological Profile &Antibiogram in cases of pneumonia attending to tertiary care Hospital | Minal.B.Shivaprakash | Dr.Usha.M.G |
A study of neonatal septicemia a tertiary care Hospital | Piyush Garg | Dr.Usha.M.G |
Study of staphylococcus infections with special reference to mupirocin resistance in a testing care hospital | Abhishek.G.U. | Dr.Usha.M.G |